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Work to live, don't live to work

We spend much of our adult lives working, so it better be good!

Make sure that you balance bringing and taking, giving and taking.

Only if you regularly take time off from work, will you be able to maintain this balance. Go and do other things. At least twice a year, for three weeks. And mark a few days off in your calendar throughout the year as well. I can tell you, it feels amazing!

If you're the kind of person who has a hard time taking a step away from work, find something to do that will take up all your focus and attention. Go sail the open ocean, go mountain climbing, kite surfing or wood chopping, or learn a new language. In other words: do something that is completely different from your job.

And make it crystal clear to your boss and colleagues that they will have to do without you for a while, because they'll manage just fine.

The attached article provides a scientific basis for the benefits of taking holidays. It was already common knowledge around 1910 that working too long – without taking time off – undermines effectiveness. So, it's nonsense to not allow yourself those weeks off. You will more than make up for it when you return to the workplace recharged and re-energised.

Happy holidays!

And after your summer holidays, know you’re welcome to share thoughts and idea’s with me. About finding and selecting people who do know when to take time off. Or about working on finding balance in your own life.

Warm regards,


PS: If your work doesn't allow you to take three weeks off at least twice a year, find another work place immediately.


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