Research has shown that nature has a positive effect on your concentration level and overall sense of welfare.
Organizations whose leaders are aware of this are proven to contribute to team resilience and productivity.
Since time immemorial, people have not been this disconnected from the earth, ourselves and each other. Following the industrial revolution, and even more explicitly now, in the midst of the digital revolution, many of us have lost our touch with nature.
This alienation takes its toll. We need the inspiration of nature, now more than ever. Even at work.
Organizations can invite people – teams – in a structured manner, to reconnect with themselves and one another in nature. The positive effects of creating such nature trails are crystal clear.
In the attached article, Fiona Campbell, Arne Gast, Kris Morton and Fleur Tonies share their experiences with teams and nature trails. Inspiring examples that they substantiate with results from scientific research.
Be inspired. Seek nature yourself regularly. Go with your team, preferably accompanied, into nature. Be surprised by the effects.
I am writing these words in Norway. In a place where I have been regularly returning to for three decades, indulging myself in nature. In daily life, I start almost every day with a run through the nature. Admittedly, it's nearly an addiction. One that I enthusiastically wish for you!
Please know you are welcome to exchange thoughts. About finding and selecting leaders who are in balance with their own cq nature. Or about how you can work on your connection to nature yourself, with or without your team. Warm regards,