Bear with me. I'm no strategy consultant, let alone a macro-economist. And by nature, I'm certainly not a pessimist! But… previously in this newsletter, I have written about the impact of geopolitical and macro-economic developments on organisations.
China versus Taiwan. Russia versus Ukraine. Israel versus Iran. Russia, North Korea, China, Iran versus the Western world. Trump versus Biden. Energy, sustainability, climate, scarce metals. Radical right-wing political movements in the Western world and the democratic rule of law and free press. Slowing global economy. Fundamental economic issues such as with the European automotive industry. And the macro-economic issues in the five major European markets, to name just a few.
Mid-April, The Financial Times published two relevant articles. On April 15th, “Gold is back. And it has a message for us." about the development of the gold price by Rana Foroohar. On April 16th, “The shadow of war darkens on the global economy.” about the global macro-economic outlook by Martin Wolf. These articles provide, in a nutshell, a nice overview of the macro-economic challenges we face.
Why do I write this here? Because it cannot be emphasised enough that in these VUCA times, every leadership team would do well to think in scenarios, including 'worst-case' scenarios. Fill in what that means for your organisation yourself.
In stormy times, the men are sorted from the boys on the bridge.
Feel welcome to discuss the assessment of your C-level team. About the quality of your supervisors. And about finding and selecting supervisors and C-level players who will successfully navigate your organisation through severe storms.
Warm regards,